
Maintaining Foot Health With Help From A Podiatrist

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Maintaining Foot Health With Help From A Podiatrist

Hello, I'm Miguel Einstein. I am a part time dancer for a theater troupe in my hometown. The level of training required to maintain my flexibility and muscle memory is quite intense. I frequently end up with extremely sore feet from my toes to my heels. As a result, I maintain a close relationship with my podiatrist to stay on top of my foot health. The podiatrist checks my feet for damage caused by the training process. He also makes sure I'm taking proper care of my feet to prevent injuries. My site will discuss the benefits of visiting a podiatrist. I would like to explore all of the tests and procedures used by podiatrists. I hope you will visit my site often. Thank you.

Do You Have Plantar Fasciitis?

Many people struggle with foot pain and it can make walking unbearable. One common type of foot pain is plantar fasciitis. If you have foot pain and want to know more, keep reading. 

What Are the Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis causes foot pain along the bottom of the foot. It usually originates near the heel where the plantar fascia attaches to the heel bone, but it may radiate along the arch of the foot. Typically, plantar fasciitis causes a sharp pain that may make it impossible to walk. It usually gets worse the more you use your foot. Some patients may have little to no symptoms when the foot is at rest, but others have a dull ache. Other symptoms may include stiffness, swelling around the heel, and tight/painful Achilles tendons. 

What Causes Plantar Fasciitis?

Your plantar fascia runs along the bottom of your foot, and it absorbs a lot of shock from walking and running. Overusing or misusing your feet can irritate and cause small tears in this tissue. You may be at a higher risk of plantar fasciitis if you have high arches or flat feet. You're also at a higher risk if you stand or walk a lot or have an atypical walk pattern. In addition, being obese can put excess stress on the plantar fascia, causing faster and more severe wear and tear. Finally, poorly fitted shoes, and shoes without support may also trigger plantar fasciitis, such as walking in flip-flops, shoes that are too big/small, etc.

How Is Plantar Fasciitis Treated?

You can help reduce your risk of plantar fasciitis by not overworking your feet, wearing appropriate shoes, stretching your feet and legs, and using orthotics for better support. Your doctor may also recommend custom foot orthotics.

If you do develop plantar fasciitis, you'll need to rest your foot. Ice and medications, like ibuprofen, can help reduce pain and swelling. You may also benefit from physical therapy, stretching, and exercise. Other treatments for more serious cases may need medical intervention, including:

  • Corticosteroids
  • Platelet-rich plasma
  • Extracorporeal pulse activation technology
  • Percutaneous needle tenotomy
  • Surgery to lengthen the calf muscle
  • Surgery to cut the fascia and relieve tension

If you have foot pain, it may be related to plantar fasciitis. This condition is incredibly common, but it can cause limited mobility and severe pain. If you would like to know more, contact a podiatrist in your area to learn more about plantar fasciitis treatment.