Obesity: Don't Allow Your Weight To Harm Your Feet
If you're in a battle to lose weight but can't, don't give up just yet. Being overweight can cause significant problems in your feet, including joint pain and soft tissue sprains. Foot problems can also interfere with your ability to exercise, which is one of the key ways to lose weight. Learn how your weight causes problems for your feet and how you can overcome these obstacles below.
How Does Your Weight Impact Your Feet?
Along with your lower back, hips, ankles, and knees, your feet carry and support your body's weight. However, weighing more than you should places extra stress on the joints, ligaments, and tendons in your feet. The stress can potentially lead to arthritis, plantar fascia, and heel pain. Some individuals may also experience inflammation and tears in their ligaments.
Your foot problems may keep you from exercising on a regular basis, or you might experience new injuries in your feet when you attempt to exercise. The way you walk and run may change from the problems in your feet. An improper gait can cause unnecessary strain on your hip and knee joints.
Although you can't lose weight overnight, you can do a few things to lose it gradually.
How Do You Lose Weight and Protect Your Feet?
One of the first things you can do is change your diet. If you're not eating the right types of food, it can be difficult to lose weight and keep it off. Try to consume a variety of fresh vegetables and fruit during your meals and snacks. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends filling half of your plates with whole fruits and different vegetables, such as strawberries, and avocado. Vegetables and fruits keep you full during the day without adding unnecessary calories and fat to your diet.
You should also strive to eat more salmon, tuna, and sardines during the week. These healthy fish contain omega-3 oils, which can help control your hunger pains. The oils may also fight the inflammation in your body's joints. If your weight affected the joints in your feet and ankles, you may benefit from omega-3.
If you choose to exercise, try yoga or Tai Chi. Until you lose the extra pounds, you want to protect your joints with less strenuous exercises. Once you reach a good body weight, you can add weight training and aerobics to your weekly routine.
If your weight causes any problems with your feet, contact a podiatrist for an appointment. A podiatrist can treat and protect your feet while you lose weight.