
Maintaining Foot Health With Help From A Podiatrist

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Maintaining Foot Health With Help From A Podiatrist

Hello, I'm Miguel Einstein. I am a part time dancer for a theater troupe in my hometown. The level of training required to maintain my flexibility and muscle memory is quite intense. I frequently end up with extremely sore feet from my toes to my heels. As a result, I maintain a close relationship with my podiatrist to stay on top of my foot health. The podiatrist checks my feet for damage caused by the training process. He also makes sure I'm taking proper care of my feet to prevent injuries. My site will discuss the benefits of visiting a podiatrist. I would like to explore all of the tests and procedures used by podiatrists. I hope you will visit my site often. Thank you.

Key (And Surprisingly Easy) Tips Every New Diabetic Needs To Know About Their Foot Care

Shockingly, about 1.4 million people are diagnosed with diabetes in the United States each year and approximately two out of three limb amputations can be attributed to diabetes or the increased risk of complications it presents with. By extension, it's obvious that diabetes is a serious problem and its impact reverberates within families for years. Fortunately, by managing your illness, seeing the right doctors and paying extra attention to your feet, you can reduce the likelihood of experiencing issues with your extremities. Therefore, if you have recently been diagnosed with diabetes, it's essential to be aware of the following advice about your foot care.

Keep Your Feet Clean And Dry

One challenge that many diabetics have noticed in recent years pertains to the appearance, texture, and sensitivity of their feet. While it is generally recommended that all diabetics wash their feet daily in warm water and a mild soap, it's not always made clear that you shouldn't permit your feet to air-dry unless advised otherwise by your doctor. Since patches of skin that remains damp could be a prime breeding area for bacteria or even mold, you should plan to thoroughly dry your feet any time they get wet.

In addition, it's often better to pat them dry, in lieu of rubbing. If your feet become less sensitive to outside stimuli, as many diabetics do, rubbing could lead to a problematic skin irritation you might not even be aware of until it was too late.

Use Lotions On Your Feet...But Do So Wisely

Since even mild soap in warm water could dry out your feet and that could be dangerous, it's a good idea to invest in a good lotion or cream. A hypo-allergenic option is favored by some diabetics, since allergic reactions to perfumes, dyes, etc, could manifest at any time...which could also contribute to the development of a sore spot, injury, cracked skin, etc. that you hope to prevent.  

However, you'll want to make sure that the lotion, cream, or other topical agent has been fully absorbed by your skin before you put on your shoes and socks. Since the areas between your toes tend to be moist in their own right and absorption in that spot of any liquid is often difficult, you'll want to refrain from applying lotion in those crevices.   

In conclusion, diabetes can reduce your quality of life, rob you of a limb and steal you away from this earth years before you expect to leave it. As a result, it's imperative for every newly diagnosed diabetic to consider the above tips about their foot care